Preparation of Application Forms for financing under Connecting Europe Facility – Transport Calls 2014, 2015 and 2016 for the projects: Development of Sofia Railway Node: Section Sofia – Voluyak ,  Development of Sofia Railway Node: Section Voluyak – Dragoman and Development of Plovdiv Railway Node (2014-2017)

Assistance provided independently or as a sub-contractor of IC Consulenten GmbH Austria, to the Bulgarian National Railway Infrastructure Company for the preparation of Application Forms for financing under Connecting Europe Facility including review of available documents and filling the respective parts of the forms. Activities under the projects included:

  • Review of the CBA and other available documents;
  • Filling Parts of the Application Forms in accordance with the application guidelines for each tender, including preparation of the necessary economic and financial calculations;
  • Assistance with the filling of Parts in the electronic project submission system of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA).