Preparation of a Comprehensive Ex-Ante Regulatory Impact Assessment of legal acts in the field of transport, communications and e-government (2018-2020)

Infraproject Consult Ltd provided financial experts to the Andrey Delchev & Partners Law Firm in connection with the preparation of comprehensive Ex-Ante Regulatory Impact Assessment (EARIA) of legal acts, as a part of Project Capacity building for RIA in the state administration, funded by the OP Good Governance, as follows:

  • EARIA of proposals for amendment and supplement of the Road Transport Act according to the Law for amendment and supplement of the Administrative Code;
  • EARIA of proposals for amendment and supplement of the Electronic Communications Act according to the Law for amendment and supplement of the Administrative Code;
  • EARIA of a project for adoption of an Address Register Act;
  • EARIA of proposals for amendment and supplement of the Electronic Government Act.

The consulting services provided by the experts of Infraproject Consult EOOD include participation in the preparation of the impact analysis:

  • Defining the economic, social and environmental impacts by options;
  • Quantitative assessment of the most significant impacts and their specific aspects;
  • Assessment of the administrative burden;
  • Impact assessment on small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • Description of the costs and benefits to stakeholders;
  • Comparison of options;
  • Preparation of a presentation and participation in the training of the affected administrative structures.