Development of a Budget Framework for the Municipal Development Plan of Sofia Municipality 2014 – 2020 (2013)

Municipal Development Plan of Sofia Municipality is a strategic planning document for sustainable integrated development at local level, which is developed on the basis of the Regional Development Act in accordance with the provisions of the Development Strategy of Sofia-city 2014-2020 and the General Development Plan (GDP) of Sofia Municipality with a horizon until 2030.

As a subcontractor of OP “Sofproect OGP”, Infraproject Consult Ltd developed a budget framework of the Municipal Development Plan of Sofia Municipality (MDP of SM) 2014-2020 with an indicative financial table showing the resources needed for its implementation.

Project activities include:

  • Preparation of an analysis of Capital Expenditure of Sofia Municipality
  • Preparation of a general assessment and assessment by year of the financial resources needed for the implementation of the MDP
  • Development of indicative financial table with the necessary resources defining the budget framework of the MDP
  • Proposal for indicative proportional distribution of the funds from the municipal budget of Sofia and the small settlements within the municipality
  • Distribution by sources of funding
  • Identification of stakeholders, target groups, potential investors, partners, etc., which will be covered in the process of implementation of the MDP.