The government approved the National Plan for the Development of the Combined Transport of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2030

The government approved the National Plan for the Development of the Combined Transport of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2030
On July 20, 2022, the Government approved the National Plan for the Development of the Combined Transport of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2030. The plan was developed by Infraproject Consult EOOD, a leading partner in JV NP-Combined Transport.
To develop the Plan, an analysis of the state of the combined transport sector in Bulgaria, a review and assessment of the legislation in the field of combined transport in other EU member states was prepared. Legislative practices and measures suitable for implementation in Bulgaria are proposed within the Plan, and the Plan includes a Package of organizational, administrative, operational, infrastructural, financial and other measures to stimulate combined transport in the country. The objectives of the Plan are to increase the competitiveness of combined transport compared to road freight transport and the transfer of goods to other modes of transport.
The publication is available here.