• Професионални консултантски услуги

  • ISO 9001:2015

  • Infrastructure Bulgaria Award 2016

  • Професионални консултантски услуги

  • ISO 9001:2015

  • Infrastructure Bulgaria Award 2016

Activities related to the regional development aim at achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and high rate of employment in different areas. In this regard, “Infraproject Consult” Ltd is involved in various projects for the development of strategic planning documents for regional and local development – regional development strategies, regional development plans in various fields, and integrated urban development projects of several cities in the country.

In addition, “Infraproject Consult” Ltd. develops comprehensive financial and “cost-benefit” analyses of projects related to regional development, as well as analyses and risk assessments in project financing, and analysis of the possibilities for the implementation of regional projects funded by the EU.

Preparation of a Regulatory Impact Assessment of legal acts in the field of economy, environment and tourism (2018-2020)

Infraproject Consult Ltd provided financial experts to the Andrey Delchev & Partners Law Firm in connection with the preparation of comprehensive Ex-Ante Regulatory Impact Assessment (EARIA) and Ex-Post Regulatory Impact Assessment (EPRIA) of legal acts …


Preparation of a Comprehensive Ex-Ante Regulatory Impact Assessment of legal acts in the field of transport, communications and e-government (2018-2020)

Infraproject Consult Ltd provided financial experts to the Andrey Delchev & Partners Law Firm in connection with the preparation of comprehensive Ex-Ante Regulatory Impact Assessment (EARIA) of legal acts …


Application for participation in an open procedure for awarding a concession and determining a concessionaire for the sea beach Gradina – Central – part 2, Sozopol Municipality, Burgas District (2020)

Infraproject Consult Ltd. in partnership with Legacorp Ltd. prepared an Application for participation in an open procedure for awarding a concession and determining a concessionaire to one of the candidates, consisting of: …


Preparation of concession analyses for Central Mineral Bath “Bankya” (2011-2015, 2019-2020)

In the period 2011-2015 the company has developed and updated concession analyses (financial and economic, legal, technical and environmental analysis), providing for restoration, reconstruction and socialization of the Central Mineral Bath “Bankya” and construction of a SPA hotel. Justification and documentation for granting a concession have also been developed.


Preparation of concession analyses for the Central Mineral Bath in Sofia (2006-2007, 2010-2011, 2019)

In the period 2006-2007 the company has elaborated concession analyses (financial-economic, legal, technical and environmental analysis) of the Central Mineral Bath (reconstruction of the north wing and the two pools in the eastern part of the building and construction of a restaurant), the purpose of which was the operation of the facilities as a hydrotherapy and SPA center.


Methodology for determining the amount of unfair financial burden incurred by the Kabiyuk State Enterprise for the provision of public service for the maintenance of indigenous and other valuable breeds (2019)

The company participates as a partner of Aquapartner EOOD in the development, assigned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry of: …


Concessions of sports complex in the town of Razlog (2016) and football stadiums in the cities of Ruse and Plovdiv (2017-2019)

On the assignment of the municipalities of Razlog, Rousse and Plovdiv, the company, in partnership with Lega Corp Ltd. and Eurolex Bulgaria Ltd., developed Justifications for the concessions, incl. Legal, Financial-economic and Technical Analyses, and drafts of the documents under the …


Preparation of Integrated Urban Development Plans of Sofia and Popovo financed under OP “Regional development” (2012-2013, 2014)

Infraproject Consult Ltd in association with the National Centre for Regional Development Plc and Urbitat Ltd has participated in the preparation of an Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) of Sofia city that included: …


Development of a Budget Framework for the Municipal Development Plan of Sofia Municipality 2014 – 2020 (2013)

Municipal Development Plan of Sofia Municipality is a strategic planning document for sustainable integrated development at local level, which is developed on the basis of the Regional Development Act in accordance with the provisions of the Development Strategy of Sofia-city 2014-2020 and the General Development Plan (GDP) of Sofia Municipality with a horizon until 2030.


Project Management “Construction of Hristo Botev Stadium and Sports Complex in the town of Kozloduy” (2013)

The project “Construction of Hristo Botev Stadium and sports complex in the town of Kozloduy and reconstruction and modernization of sports complex in the village of Butan, Kozloduy Municipality” has been funded by the Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013. The project management consulting services included: …


Elaboration of concession analyses of a swimming complex in the Youth Park – Ruse (2011, 2013)

On the assignment of the municipality of Rousse, the company developed Justifications for the concessions, incl. Legal, Financial-economic, Ecological and Technical Analyses, and drafts of the documents under the Concessions Act for granting a concession for construction of swimming complex in the Youth Park – Ruse.


Elaboration of documentation for the provision of cadastral services through concession and public-private partnership (2012)

Following an assignment of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency, the company prepared documentation for determining the feasibility of providing cadastral services through concession and public-private partnership, including financial and economic analysis.


Impact assessment of the regulations in the Spatial Development Act (2011)

As a subcontractor of the National Centre for Territorial Development Plc, the company has prepared cost-benefit analysis and economic analysis of the impact of the regulations in the Spatial Development Act.

Preparation and update of concession analyses and documentation for the concession of Zapaden park (2008-2011)

Based on preliminary studies approved by the Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of Sofia Municipality for granting the concession for construction of sports and entertainment facilities in “Hristo Smirnenski” park and park development project, the company has prepared concession analyses and documentation …


Preparation of an Application Form for the project “Strengthening of a landslide in the area “Kutlina”, Filipovtsi district” under Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013 (2009)

The project has been funded by the Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, Grant Scheme: BG161PO001/1.4-04/2009: “Support for small-scale infrastructure for landslides prevention in urban agglomerations.” The company prepared an application form, budget and additional documents for the application of Sofia Municipality with the project “Strengthening of a landslide in the area “Kutlina”, Filipovtsi district,  Lyulin quarter”- II stage.”

Concession analyses of beaches on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (2005, 2008-2009)

Over the years, the company has worked on numerous projects related to the award of concessions of beaches on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, following assignments by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, as well as under contracts with candidate concessionaires. In 2005 financial analyses and offers of private companies for participation in tenders for selection of a concessionaire for the following sea beaches were prepared: “Burgas – Central”, “Burgas – North”, “Kozluka”, “Garden – Central”, “Dolphin”, “Ikantalaka I ”, “Kranevo – Central” and others.


Preparation of a financial and economic analysis for concession of swimming pools in Blagoevgrad (2004)

As a partner of Eurolex Bulgaria Ltd., the company has prepared a financial and economic analysis of an indoor swimming pool and outdoor swimming pools with beach, coffee shop and other sports and recreational facilities in Blagoevgrad. The financial and economic analysis has been prepared in order to grant a concession for the facilities.


Kazanlak area revitalization project (2004)

In response to the request of the Government of Bulgaria, the Government of Japan decided to implement the Kazanlak Area Revitalization Project. Infraproject Consult Ltd took part in the execution of the project as a local partner of PADECO Co, Japan. Objectives of the project were as follows: …


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