Analysis of the main capital and operating costs of the municipal enterprise Chistota-Iskar Ltd for the activities of collection and transportation of household waste, summer and winter cleaning of streets and other places for public use, maintenance and replacement of damaged waste containers (2016)

The analysis was prepared in connection with the costs optimization of Sofia Municipality related to the activities of waste management and waste disposal, where two different options have been developed according to the scale of the municipal territory served by the municipal enterprise – two or five metropolitan areas.

The activities within the analysis include:

  • Determining the number, remuneration levels and staff costs;
  • Determining the necessary initial investments, incl. specialized equipment for: waste transportation, service of street bins, summer and winter street cleaning, transportation of bulky waste, disinfection and investments in a container park;
  • Forecast for the operating expenses for carrying out the activities by the municipal company “Chistota-Iskar” Ltd.

Client: Sofia Municipality