Preparation of financial analysis and risk assessment of Project for increase of the volume of lower compensating basin of Chaira PSHPP together with construction of Yadenitsa Dam and reversible pressure tunnel for connection with Chaira Dam (2017)

Under the assignment of National Electricity Company EAD (NEK) in 2017 were prepared a financial analysis and a risk assessment, which are part of the activities envisaged for implementation by the state company under the Project of common interest (PCI) “3.23 Hydro-pumping storage project in Bulgaria – Yadenitsa”. The project aims to increase the production potential of Chaira Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant (PSHPP), as well as:

  • Improving the structure of the generating capacities in TPP and NPP;
  • Improving the efficiency of the capacities;
  • Increasing the participation of NEK EAD in the balancing market in the country and the region.