Infraproject Consult Ltd is involved in the preparation of a number of energy projects financed by the European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the Ministry of Energy and other international and local institutions, providing consultancy services for the development of various financial mechanisms and strategies in the energy sector.
The company performs analyses and assessments of energy projects and has extensive experience as a consultant in the developing of long-term financial models for investment projects and analyses in the field of gas distribution, development of regulations regarding the formation of prices and tariffs of regulated services in the energy sector.

Preparation of business plans for issuing a license for natural gas trading and license for electricity trading in accordance with Art. 13, para. 1, 4 and para. 5 of the Ordinance on licensing of energy activities (2021)
For private clients Infraproject Consult EOOD prepares Business plans for submission of applications for issuing a license for natural gas trading and license for electricity trading …

Study of the possibilities for establishing a municipal energy center of Sofia Municipality (2019)

GET Policy Framework – Bulgaria: Review of best practices for implementing EEOs and financial implications (2018)
As a partner of the Economic Consulting Associates Ltd, UK, (ECA Ltd), Великобритания, Infraproject Consult Ltd participated in the preparation of a Review of best practices for implementing EEOs and financial implications.

Preparation of financial analysis and risk assessment of Project for increase of the volume of lower compensating basin of Chaira PSHPP together with construction of Yadenitsa Dam and reversible pressure tunnel for connection with Chaira Dam (2017)
Under the assignment of National Electricity Company EAD (NEK) in 2017 were prepared a financial analysis and a risk assessment, which are part of the activities envisaged for implementation by the state company under the Project of common interest (PCI) “3.23 Hydro-pumping storage project in Bulgaria – Yadenitsa”.

“Interconnector Greece – Bulgaria” Project (IGB) (2016-2018)
As a consultant of the Project Company ICGB, Infraproject Consult Ltd provided consultancy for the construction of Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria project that has been identified as …

Feasibility study for the development of Interconnector Turkey – Bulgaria (ITB) (2015-2016)
Interconnector Turkey – Bulgaria (ITB) is a project for the development of interconnectivity of the gas networks of Bulgartransgaz EAD (Bulgaria) and Botas (Turkey) which …

Feasibility study on the technical equipment of three gas compressor stations – Lozenets CS, Ihtiman CS and Petrich CS and on the need for their modernisation (2016-2017)
The project aims at improving the efficiency, reliability and flexibility of the gas distribution system, providing technical conditions for the transmission of additional quantities of natural gas on the territory of Bulgaria and increasing the reliability and efficiency of adjoining infrastructure.

DESIREE GAS Demand Side Residential Energy Efficiency through Gas Distribution Companies in Bulgaria (2015-2021)
Project DESIREE GAS aims to provide an effective mechanism to support the gasification of the Bulgarian households in compliance with the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. It is funded by Kozloduy International Decommissioning Fund, administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and is managed by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Bulgaria. The budget is 10 M Euro.

Preparation of Application for licensing for co-generation of electrical and heat energy in accordance with Art. 14, para. 1 and para. 3 of the Ordinance on licensing of activities in the energy sector (2013 – 2016)
Infraproject Consult Ltd. provides activities under contracts with several private customers for: filling in of applications for license to …

Preparation and update of Business plans and specifying the prices for distribution and supply of natural gas on the territory of different distribution regions and designated areas (2011 – 2015)
The company prepares Business plans and specifies the prices for distribution and supply of natural gas for private customers, applicable for different regulatory periods within the gas distribution regions and a number of municipalities …

Bulgarian Transmission System Operator Study under Energy Framework Agreement with EIB (2014)
In 2002 the European Investment Bank (EIB) provided a loan to the Republic of Bulgaria with a final beneficiary the state-owned enterprise Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK) amounting to EUR 60 million.

Regional study on energy efficiency and energy affordability in Bulgaria (2014)
The project is assigned and funded by the World Bank. The project objective is to investigate the social impacts and feasible measures for the electricity tariff reform.

Preparation of economic evaluation and analysis of the long-term cost-benefit /until 2020/ in accordance to the requirements of Directive 2009/73/EC introducing intelligent metering systems by gas distribution companies in Bulgaria (2013)
The company prepared for private clients – gas distribution companies an Economic Assessment and Analysis of long-term cost-benefit (until 2020) in connection with the requirements of Directive 2009/73/EC on the introduction of smart metering systems.

Energy Strategy for mitigating the negative economical, ecological and social consequences of the early closure of VVER-440 units of Kozloduy NPP and utilization of funds provided by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund – Stage I (2006-2008) and Stage II (2011-2013)
In 2004 the Bulgarian Government approved a strategy document Implementation of the Strategy in the Energy Sector for mitigating the negative economical, ecological and social consequences of the early closure of VVER-440 units of Kozloduy NPP in the non-nuclear sector.

Karadzhalovo Solar Power Plant Market Study (2012)
Infraproject Consult Ltd as a local partner of Economic Consulting Associates Ltd (ECA), UK, participated in electricity market research in Bulgaria with regard to …

Bulgaria: Gas supply safety study (2010-2013)
The project aims to help the Government of Bulgaria to identify the cost-effective and technically feasible policy mix to ensure the Bulgarian gas market can meet final contracted demand in view of Bulgaria’s vulnerability to gas supply disruptions and its increasingly important role for regional gas cross-border transmission and trade.

Installation of natural gas supply system for 13 cities in the South-Central region of Bulgaria, without construction of high pressure gas branches (virtual gas supply) (2008-2010)
The project is developed by a private gas distribution company disposing of a license for gas distribution and supply in the region.

EU funds utilization for energy projects in Bulgaria (2007-2008)
The project implementation is funded by the World Bank and the EU Structural Funds and covers analysis of the possibilities for BEEF capitalization including the following activities:

Preparation of Application in compliance with the Energy Act for awarding a license for natural gas distribution on the territory of certain municipalities (2006-2007)
Pursuant to the Energy Act, with all the necessary documentation, Infraproject Consult Ltd has prepared for private clients Applications for determining the holder of the license for the activity “distribution of natural gas” on the territory of the respective municipalities.

Developing a Natural gas trade-monitoring system (2005)
Infraproject Consult Ltd. developed a natural gas trade-monitoring system and software for the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) to ensure system access only to persons authorized by the Commission. The development is made in strict compliance with the rules for natural gas trade. The project covers the following stages:

Action plan for increasing the household natural gas consumption for heating purposes on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria (2004-2005)
The project is managed by the Ministry of Environment and Water. It is a study on the development of an Action Plan to increase the natural gas consumption for domestic heating in the country by applying appropriate economic instruments in connection with the achievement of the established norms for the content of particulate matter (PM10) in the ambient air.

Southeastern Еurope electrical system technical support project: Bulgaria – Assistance to NEK Unbundling (2003 – 2004)
The project is performed by the Canadian company SNC Lavalin Inc.
Promulgation of a new Energy Act in 2003 in compliance with Directive 2003/54/ЕС, provides for the separation of transmission and market organization activities …