Infraproject Consult “Ltd. maintains an extensive network of external specialists and partners. The company works in cooperation with Bulgarian and foreign companies and considerably enriches the experience and competitiveness through the numerous implemented projects.
- ARCADIS, Netherlands
- Arup International Consultants, UK
- Economic Consulting Associates, UK
- Infram, Czech Republic
- LDK, Greece
- METROPROJEKT Praha a. s. – Bulgaria
- MVV Decon GmbH, Germany
- Oriental Consultants, Japan
- PADECO, Japan
- Plejades, Germany
- S.C.A. Deleanu Vasile – Avocati, Romania
- SNC Lavalin Inc., Canada
- Systra, France
- Law Firm “Andrey Delchev and Partners”, Bulgaria
- Aquapartner Ltd.
- BIM Consulting Ltd., Bulgaria
- BT Engineering, Bulgaria
- D END D Consulting Ltd., Bulgaria
- Eurolex Bulgaria Ltd.
- Lega Corp. Ltd., Bulgaria
- Metrokonsult BG, Bulgaria
- Mist project Ltd., Bulgaria
- EIA – Nikolaeva Ltd., Bulgaria
- Smart Synergy Consult EOOD, Bulgaria
- Sofia Consulting Group, Bulgaria
- Committees Ltd., Bulgaria
- TK Engineering Ltd., Bulgaria
- Urbitat Ltd., Bulgaria
- Chimcomplect-Engineering JSC, Bulgaria